Richard Wilkinson – talks about OPRIDE 2018

24th of October, before the adventure starts the pilgrim bandits find out that there has been a massive issue with the flights out to New Zealand. So with less than 24 hours to push and a few angry people, the pilgrim bandits managed to arrange flights and operation ride was still on. Good old pilgrim bandits never giving up…..
25th October the group rv at Heathrow airport ready and raring to go……long flight ahead.
Touching down on safe soil in New Zealand, with the clock ticking there was no time to waste, straight on with getting the camper vans and administration sorted. A bite to eat and a good night’s sleep was in order before the challenge even started…. in the morning all the teams made their way down South to the start line….
The Southern Ireland this is like cycling through Jurassic park at any unknown time it felt like T-Rex with jump out.The scenery was spectacular, the terrain wasn’t as easy going as what we thought it would be, however the teams still managed to successfully make the way through the Southern Ireland.
The Northern Ireland was just as breath taking. The volcanoes are definitely worth seeing, seeing not smelling I might add. Day by Day the teams got stronger and stronger fast and fast. With Andre setting the pace the miles just simply passed.
Before we know it the end was in sight. Throw all the up hills and down hills, highs and lows, troubles and joys the has been on hell of a challenge we will never forget. Along the way friendship grow stronger and even new friends where made thanks to everyone involved.
The pilgrim bandits quote, A little further. OpRide certainly did kept them to their word.